Marking Films/Spray Masks

Friskit Spray Mask Stencil GM-2000   CGF Yellow Vinyl Spray Mask Stencil SM-400
1.5 mil

This impregnated coated paper product is used for masking surfaces to be painted and for die-cut/hand-cut spray mask stencils. The adhesive has been formulated to withstand temperatures as required in a baking cycle for painted surfaces, 200ºF to 350ºF, for short periods of time. Excellent for car striping and aircraft marking. Shelf life is SIX (6) MONTHS if stored in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR OUTDOOR EXPOSURE.
  3.2 mil

This vinyl product is used for masking surfaces to be painted and for die-cut/hand-cut spray mask stencils. The adhesive has been formulated to withstand temperatures as required in a baking cycle for painted surfaces, 200ºF to 350ºF, for short periods of time. Excellent for car striping and aircraft marking. Shelf life is TWO (2) YEARS if stored in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. CAN BE USED OUTDOORS.
Drawing/Pouncing Paper GP-9000   Bond Paper GP-2100
80 lb

This unique, high-quality, extra-white TWO (2) SIDED clay-coated litho stock provides an improved image when plotting with felt or pens. The ink stays on the surface and is not absorbed rapidly; thus no diffusing the image edge. After plotting, a few minutes drying time should be allowed. Makes a superb presentation over standard open-face stock drawing papers for customer renderings. Because of the high density of this paper, pouncing holes are much more uniform and provides improved durability on pin registration.
  20 lb.

This is quality 20 pound paper that can be used as an inexpensive drawing paper.